Client Portal Software for Accountants

ProClient Portal

Why Your Firm Needs a Client Portal

Tax firms need efficient client interaction management. Our client portal software is designed with accountants in mind and offers significant advantages over relying on websites, email, and other messaging platforms.

Handles Complex Functions

A client portal manages secure document uploads, storage, and access. For example, when clients submit their sensitive tax documents, the portal ensures their safe handling.

Allows for Tailored User Permissions

Client portals allow tax firms to specifically control who sees what. Firms can set permissions to ensure only authorized individuals access sensitive information. This avoids unauthorized data exposure that would hurt your clients and your firm.

Streamlines Workflow

Client portals can create an all-in-one space for all of your client interactions. When you can handle everything in just one portal, it keeps you from having to bounce between different systems and lowers the chance for redundancy and errors.

Protects Client Data

Good client portals come equipped with robust security measures, including encryption for data in transit and at rest. This is essential for complying with industry regulations and protecting client information.

Enhances Client Experience

Our client portal is designed to simplify tax management. Features like invoice management and personalized dashboards help you control and understand your finances better, while secure messaging allows safe and clear communication.

Increases Efficiency with Automation

Client portals automate many routine tasks, such as reminders for document submission deadlines and tax payment dates. This automation ensures tasks are completed on time and reduces the workload on staff, allowing them to focus on more complex client needs.

Facilitates Real-Time Updates and Reporting

Client portals provide real-time updates on the status of filings, payments, and other important activities. This feature keeps both the tax firm and the client informed at every step of the process.

Supports Scalability

As your firm grows, your client handling capabilities need to scale up without compromising service quality. Client portals are scalable, supporting an increasing number of clients and services without additional investment in infrastructure.

A Smooth Implementation for Your Tax Client Software Portal

Implementing a client portal can revolutionize your tax preparation firm, but it introduces challenges that require direct solutions:

Data Security Concerns

High-profile breaches pose a constant threat when adopting new technology. Choose a client portal with robust security measures like end-to-end encryption.

How ProClient Helps: We duplicate and back up your data daily onto secure servers based here in the U.S. (managed by the highly reliable Amazon AWS). This means that you don’t have to worry about systems crashing and data being lost.

All data that runs through our portal is protected by Secure Socket encryption (SSL) with 256-bit encryption. This is the gold standard for data security. Our sophisticated encryption system guarantees that data will be safe as well as accessible many years into the future. If one of your active clients needs to access an important document that was transmitted to you five years ago, you can retrieve it.

For payment data, customers can rest easy knowing we rely on the trusted services of Stripe. The Stripe platform is PCS-DSS Level 1 Compliant–a top-tier threshold for protecting financial information.

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customization limit

Customization Limitations

A standard client portal may not meet all the specific needs of a tax preparation firm, so you’ll want to make sure that your portal comes with a broad range of customization options.

How ProClient Helps: We at ProClient recognize that tax preparation firms need a client portal tailored to their specific requirements. Since ours was designed by tax professionals for tax professionals, we have unique insights into what you need. We provide extensive customization options that allow you to personalize your portal seamlessly.

With ProClient, you can easily adjust account settings, such as appointment styles and notification preferences, to ensure the portal aligns with your firm’s operations.

When it comes to customizing the look of the portal, we help you set unique website colors, update the logo, and fine-tune the overall aesthetic to match your brand. You can choose the exact shades for your background and primary design elements and effortlessly update your logo with a simple drag-and-drop interface.

We also offer options to customize the header title, add welcoming text, and select which elements appear in the footer, like your business name or contact information. All these changes are simple to apply and can be saved quickly to immediately enhance your client’s experience. Keep your portal evolving by regularly updating it based on user feedback, ensuring it always meets both your needs and those of your clients.

User Resistance

Employees and clients used to existing tools may resist adopting a new system. Address this resistance by clearly explaining the benefits of a client portal.

How ProClient Helps: We know switching to a new system can be tough. That’s why our client portal feels as familiar as using email or social media. Every part of ProClient is intuitive and helps make your workday smoother.

We’ve got all the training you’ll need, too. Our resources range from simple how-to guides to detailed tutorials on the nifty features. This training gets everyone up to speed quickly and shows just how much easier and safer your work can be with ProClient.

The ProClient portal itself is super straightforward. We send you a link to log in with your username and password. Once you’re in, it’s smooth sailing. You can manage files, update info, download what you need, and set up meetings without any hassle. This easy setup helps everyone get on board fast and cuts down on confusion. And should you have questions, our courteous, U.S.-based support team is there to help you along the way.

This is reflected on the client-side, too. We know that your clients may or may not be tech-savvy, so we’ve created the portal with all skill sets in mind. Our goal from the outset was to make the portal so navigable that Grandma and Grandpa could use it, and we’re confident that we’ve succeeded.

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maintain client engagement

Maintaining Client Engagement

Many fear that digital tools may lack the personal touch of face-to-face interactions, potentially impacting client relationships, but this does not have to be the case.

How ProClient Helps: In many ways, ProClient can actually make communication more personal. Information won’t get lost in full inboxes. You have a dedicated way to address your client’s concerns. They know how to reach you in a hurry, and you can show your attentiveness through quick responses.

Once you set up a client profile, the rest is easy. Just send an email with a login link to your clients, and they’re all set. They can upload documents securely, schedule appointments, and adjust their own settings with just a few clicks.

Cost Overruns

You may be concerned about the price of a client portal, but the right portal should help you save significantly.

How ProClient Helps: We keep things simple and budget-friendly. You can start with our free trial to test all the features and see how well it fits with your business needs.

After the trial, you can choose a plan that suits your requirements without worrying about hidden costs. As your business grows, you have the flexibility to add more features or users. Everything is clear and laid out simply for ease of understanding.

Since ProClient is the only business tool you’ll ever need, you can dispense with other redundant systems and programs and streamline your expenditures. We designed our software to be highly affordable. Clients agree that the software pays for itself in virtually no time.

With ProClient, your focus can remain on expanding your client base while we ensure that the technology side of your business keeps up efficiently and affordably. You manage your office without financial surprises, maintaining a strong return on investment.

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scaling issues

Scaling Issues

The last thing you want is to outgrow your customer management tools, so it’s important to choose a system that will grow with you without bottlenecks.

How ProClient Helps: As you get more clients, our system easily handles more data and traffic. No slowdowns, no stress.

Our portal is built to scale up, so it smoothly adapts as your needs grow. Focus on bringing in more clients and let us worry about the tech. It’s simple, effective, affordable, and always ready to handle more.

proclient portal access


With ProClient Portal, you can give your clients access and freedom over their information, all while maintaining your brand.

ProClient Portal unifies all client interactions with your team into a single, secure portal.
You have the power to control what the clients can see and access and what they cannot, including document files and folders, schedules, tasks, document request lists, discussions, invoicing, and more.

Efficiently manage the look and feel of your portal by incorporating your brand logo, colors, and fonts.

Offer Clients Visibility to Your Tasks and Projects

Offer Clients Visibility to Your Tasks and Projects

A unified portal allows you and your clients to view information and stay up-to-date on what they have submitted. This portal allows clients to access questionnaires, forms, file uploads, and more. Plus, live dashboards provide automatic updates as clients and team members complete tasks, giving you full transparency of where you are in the process.

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection, allowing customers and clients to upload and manage sensitive information anytime. You can store your documents directly in ProClient.

Secure Data and File Sharing

Secure Data and File Sharing

ProClient gives clients and team members the convenience and flexibility to exchange data and documents securely.

Collect, review, accept or reject, and approve documents in one secure portal, to eliminate unsecured transfer channels that may be present in your local systems.

Effective Budget and Invoice Management

Effective Budget and Invoice Management

ProClient features native planning, budgeting, and invoicing solutions. Send professional electronic invoices and receive payment directly to your desired account. You can also set up recurring invoicing and billing. Clients can easily access their portal to see invoices and payments.

ProClient Docs

Prepare Documents Quickly and Confidently, from Anywhere

From uploading simple files to the most complex documents, our solution is designed to save you time and improve productivity. You can work with your team on your tablet, desktop, or mobile devices- whether in the office or at home. Plus, you get built-in layers of security, seamless updates, and automatic backups.
Effective Budget and Invoice Management

Control Permissions and Define Roles

ProClient lets you control access and set permissions for each folder and file. Define who can view sensitive documents, who can edit them, and who has no access at all. Plus, you can easily update these permissions as team roles or project needs change, ensuring data security and compliance at all times

ProClient Docs

Collaborate with Confidence

Our client portal software for accountants augments your team’s collaboration. You can post messages and assign tasks directly within your workspace. This setup ensures secure and effective communication with your partners. Use tags to organize data and @-mentions to alert others about updates, protecting confidential client information while encouraging teamwork.

Effective Budget and Invoice Management

Brand Your Portal for a Cohesive Experience

Customize your portal with your company logo and brand colors to create a professional and cohesive appearance. When clients log in, they’ll encounter a familiar interface that reflects your brand. Uniform branding throughout your tax client portal software enhances client trust and streamlines their interaction with your services.

ProClient Docs

Cultivate Connections in Your Digital Ecosystem

ProClient transforms your customer portal into a vibrant online community that fosters discussion and collaboration with your clients. When stakeholders have a dedicated space to interact, discuss relevant topics, and access necessary information, they become more engaged and empowered.

Effective Budget and Invoice Management

Tailor for Peak Efficiency and Customized Client Care

Accounting client portal software enhances efficiency and meets the specific needs of your tax firm. Whether you’re managing online support or gaining a comprehensive view of client interactions and transactions, this software adapts to your business model seamlessly. Consider integrating features like online payments or client complaint tracking to provide robust services tailored to your firm’s size.

ProClient Docs

Scale to Your Heart's Content

Whether you manage 5 or 5,000 clients, ProClient offers client portal software that adapts to the size of your tax preparation firm. You’ll find the flexibility to scale services up or down as your client base changes.

ProClient also provides options like a mobile app, a customized URL, and additional file storage to better serve your needs.

Effective Budget and Invoice Management

Manage Meetings Smoothly

Setting up meetings through our client portal couldn’t be smoother. Just create profiles for your team members in ProClient, and clients can easily select whom they want to meet when scheduling their appointments.

Whenever a client books a meeting, you’re immediately in the loop with an email notification. You can also view the appointment details directly in the ProClient Calendar as soon as you log in. This feature ensures you can swiftly adjust and align your schedule with client expectations.

Try ProClient Free

If you are sick and tired of using what feels like a million business tools, it’s time to try our comprehensive management system.