Tax Document Management Software

As a business owner, the last thing you want to do is call a client to inform them that valuable documents are missing.

Good Document Management

Why Good Document Management Matters

Good document management streamlines your operations. When you organize and manage documents effectively, you reduce the time spent searching for files. This efficiency keeps your business running smoothly, particularly during the busy tax season when quick access to documents is critical.

A reliable document system also keeps your clients satisfied. They experience seamless access to their files without confusion about where things stand. This clarity speeds up processing times and reduces the risk of errors. Additionally, when your team isn’t bogged down by disorganized paperwork, they can focus more on assisting clients with their tax needs. Effective document management ensures your tax preparation business operates efficiently from start to finish.

Cloud vs. On-Premise Document Management

When deciding on a system to manage your clients’ documents, you typically have two choices:

Cloud document management

This system keeps documents in a secure online environment that you can access from any location.

On-premise document management

This system involves storing documents on servers that are physically located within your company.

Do you have the IT expertise and budget to maintain an on-premises system? For many smaller businesses, the answer is often no. Cloud-based solutions reduce the need for in-house IT infrastructure and expertise by outsourcing hardware maintenance and software updates to the cloud provider. This can be a more practical and cost-effective option, allowing your team to focus on business-critical operations rather than IT management.

Cloud document management solutions for accountants are also:

  • Quick to set up: Unlike on-premise systems that need physical servers, cloud systems are online and can be ready in no time. You skip the hassle of setting up extensive hardware.
  • Access from anywhere: All you need is the internet, and you can reach your documents from anywhere. This is perfect if you have remote employees or if you’re often out of the office.
  • Cost-effective: Cloud services typically run on a subscription model. You pay a monthly fee depending on the features you need. This saves you from having to make massive investments in on-premise setups. It also lets you scale your pricing options depending on the volume of clients that you need to support at a given time.
  • Reliable security: Top cloud services offer strong security measures. They handle updates and backups for you, ensuring your data is safe and meets compliance standards. This can be harder to achieve with in-house storage setups.


ProClient Docs


Not only does electronic document management help with a secure CRM keep client documents safe, but integrated features such as a client portal, client scheduling, and top-notch security also keep documents easily accessible and secure for both staff and clients.

Features Designed for Your Convenience

ProClient Docs offers business owners a safe and secure way to manage the influx of documents received daily.

Offer Clients Visibility to Your Tasks and Projects

Secure Document Sharing

The ProClient Portal allows your clients to upload all confidential documents safely and securely. Share completed forms via the client portal to collect signatures and easily retrieve the documents at any time. ProClient stores all records in one central location, allowing you to easily manage all of your clients.

Secure Data and File Sharing

Document Tagging

The ability to tag documents adds an extra level of organization to your business, making it much easier to locate any documentation. For example, you may want to create an ‘incomplete’ tag to ensure that no documents are forgotten or create tags for internal documents, like rent or warranties on office equipment. The more documents you have to manage, the more beneficial tags are to your organization.
Effective Budget and Invoice Management

Document Review

The document review feature lets you review what documents your client has uploaded to ProClient through the portal, so you can quickly check them for accuracy. The review feature also keeps you up-to-date on all requested documents, so you’ll know you have everything you need to complete it from start to finish.
ProClient Docs

Access Management

Document access controls are critical to security. In ProClient, system admins can set access levels for staff and clients, ensuring that stored files and folders are only accessible to those with the proper permissions.
ProClient Docs

File Version Management

In most cases, you’ll want to access the most recent version of a document. But what if you’re looking for last year’s files? Our CRM provides you with full access to every version of your documents for ultimate transparency.
ProClient Docs


Using the cloud to store your documents can save you a lot of headaches, but they’ll still need to be properly organized. ProClient makes the process easy, allowing you to easily change the name of a file to better reflect where it should be stored.
ProClient Docs

Online Viewing and Downloading

Using ProClient, you can view a list of all documents by clicking on the link to view the PDF. You can also click on the action button to add tags, view document details, securely email a document to your client, download a document that has been recently uploaded, or delete a document, all from a single screen.

Customized Document Handling Workflows

Recognizing that no two tax firms are the same, ProClient allows for customized document handling workflows that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. This means you can set up document processing steps that match your firm’s operations, from initial receipt and review to final storage and archiving. This customization helps streamline operations, reduces processing errors, and improves overall efficiency.

Improve Staff Collaboration

Staff can be granted access to all relevant documents electronically, with document access tracked for audit purposes. You’ll also be able to manage multiple versions of any document using the version control feature. All previous versions are saved for audit purposes, eliminating the possibility of overwriting a valuable document and losing valuable information.

PtoClient Docs

Collaborate on Documents in Real Time

ProClient’s document management system allows tax professionals to work together with clients on documents directly. As changes are made, everyone sees updates immediately. This is especially helpful during the busy tax season, ensuring quick responses and accurate filings.

Customize Your Document Management Experience

Customize Your Document Management Experience

ProClient understands that each tax firm has unique needs. Our platform lets you tailor the document management interface to fit your firm’s specific workflow and branding. Adjust settings to make sure the system works just as you need it to, enhancing both staff efficiency and client satisfaction.

Enhance Engagement

With ProClient, give your clients their own secure access to view and manage their tax documents. This direct access not only makes it easier for clients to upload and review their information but also builds trust by involving them securely in the process. This setup is crucial for tax businesses aiming to improve client service and document security.

ProClient CRM

Eliminate Geographical Limitations

With ProClient, you and your staff can access your tools from any device at any location. Plus, you no longer have to worry about unauthorized file access. Easily create the proper permissions for file and folder access using a two-factor authentication process and a role-based system.

ProClient CRM

Mitigate Risk and Compliance Issues

Did you know that every time you send a confidential document or your client sends payment information via regular email, you run the risk of a serious data breach? Using ProClient, you can safely share documents via the portal or by using the secure email function found in the ProClient CRM.

Meet Regulatory Standards

Ensure your tax business stays compliant with ProClient’s document management for tax business. Our system is specifically designed to handle the unique needs of tax compliance. It automatically updates to reflect the latest tax laws and regulations.

This means your document handling and retention will always meet legal standards. Get notifications and alerts that keep you informed about important compliance changes, allowing you to adjust your document management practices in real time.

Meet Regulatory Standards

Strengthen Accountability

ProClient strengthens accountability in document management. Our system can lock documents to prevent changes. With our check-out feature, you can see who accessed each document and when. This visibility allows you to track document handling accurately, keeping tabs on all modifications. Such detailed tracking is crucial for tax businesses needing to meet strict compliance and audit requirements.

Improve Data Integrity

Improve Data Integrity

ProClient keeps your data accurate and consistent. Enter your data just once into our system, and it stays reliable without repeated entries that can lead to mistakes. This single-entry approach reduces errors and saves you time. With all your data in one central spot, it’s easier to manage and pull up information quickly, which is especially important for tax professionals who need precise data for decision-making and meeting regulatory requirements.

Audit Trail and Retention Functionality

ProClient includes audit trail functionality so you can see who has accessed a file, when it was accessed, if any changes were made to the file, and when the file was returned. In addition, you can create multiple versions of a document, enabling you to view any changes made throughout its life.

Secure CRM

ProClient’s user-friendly and comprehensive CRM allows you to manage your business needs, including marketing, document management, billing, scheduling, and more.

  • Daily data backups
  • Data stored on U.S. servers exclusively
  • PCI DSS security for all credit card transactions
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to protect client data

Document Storage vs. Document Management Systems

There’s often confusion about the difference between document storage and document management systems. Companies typically wonder which system is easiest to manage, most cost-effective, and overall the best choice.

As businesses grow, they might find local file servers difficult to maintain. To meet their document storage needs, they might choose online cloud services like Google Drive or Dropbox. However, these platforms may not scale well, offer limited functionality, and can be vulnerable to security breaches.

Online storage applications are fine for storing documents, images, and other digital files simply and securely. But they’re mainly just for backup and don’t fit well for organizations with complex document management needs, like those in the tax business.

When choosing the right solution for your business, think about:

  • How important documents are to your overall business operations
  • How quickly you need to access documents to keep your business running smoothly
  • Your need to follow regulatory requirements related to your documents

Document storage systems like Dropbox and Google Drive help with saving documents and making them accessible anywhere, anytime. These systems allow for easy document searches and secure storage, and they offer backup solutions if the original documents are lost or damaged.

On the other hand, document management systems, such as encrypted document management systems for accountants, offer more comprehensive features. They not only store documents but also help automate business processes and workflows. They are ideal for businesses that require robust cloud document management solutions for accountants.

Features of document management systems:

  • Streamline workflow: These systems let users collaborate on documents, make real-time edits, control versions, and handle eSignatures, all within a cloud storage environment.
  • Efficient search capabilities: Built-in search engines and metadata tagging make it easy to find documents quickly, even in extensive libraries.
  • Advanced security: For businesses handling sensitive data, such as those in accounting, robust security features, including customizable permissions, audit trails, and high-level data encryption, are essential.
    Integration capabilities: These applications integrate seamlessly with other software, helping maintain workflow without disruption.
  • Document retention: These systems also manage the life cycle of documents according to industry standards, from creation to eventual archiving or destruction, which is critical for compliance in many fields.

Document management applications handle the full lifecycle of documents and are particularly useful in areas requiring careful management of sensitive information, such as tax and accounting services. They improve efficiency by automating essential tasks and ensuring documents are secure and easy to access.

Overall, document management is the better choice for businesses that need more than just basic document storage, especially for those in the tax and accounting sectors. These systems provide comprehensive functionality and enhanced security, making them superior to simple document storage solutions.

Cost-Effective Document Management

ProClient offers transparent and affordable pricing for its comprehensive document management solutions. With options ranging from a free 14-day trial to annual plans that cater to larger teams, ProClient ensures that tax offices of any size can find a suitable plan. This affordability, combined with the platform’s extensive features, makes ProClient a valuable investment for any tax professional looking to streamline their document management processes.

Comprehensive Support and Training

Understanding the complexities of document management systems, ProClient includes onboarding and training with every purchase. This support ensures that all users, from tax professionals to their clients, can fully utilize the system’s capabilities. Continuous support helps professionals keep abreast of new features and best practices for managing documents securely and efficiently.

Beyond Document Management

Created by tax professionals, ProClient handles more than document management. It streamlines all your business operations from appointments to client interactions. This makes your work smoother and lets you focus more on growing your business. The platform includes features like client portal access, billing, and scheduling, all through a user-friendly interface. It’s the only business software you’ll need for your accounting practice.

Can ProClient Work for Non-accounting Businesses?

ProClient for Non accounting Businesses
Although initially developed for tax preparation professionals, ProClient’s comprehensive suite of tools is beneficial for various industries. Here are a few sectors that can leverage ProClient to optimize their operations:

  • Legal Services: Law firms utilize ProClient for scheduling, secure document management, and billing, all on a single platform.
  • Consulting: Consultants across different fields streamline client engagements with tools for scheduling, billing, managing client information, and handling collaborative documents.
  • Real Estate: Real estate agencies benefit from coordinated showings, secure management of client and property documents, and enhanced communication via the client portal.
  • Retail: Retail businesses manage inventory documentation, customer relationships, and seamless payment processing with ProClient.


Stay Agile

Tax firms are often caught up in ever-changing regulations and growing client demands. ProClient’s document management system helps your firm stay flexible and responsive. With tools that streamline every part of the tax preparation process, you’re always ready for what’s next.

Build Stronger Client Relationships

Clear and efficient document management not only saves time but also enhances the trust clients place in your firm. ProClient allows for quick retrieval and secure sharing of documents, making interactions with clients smooth and professional. This reliability strengthens your relationships, making clients more likely to return each season and refer others to your services.

Boost Team Productivity

Effective document management directly impacts team productivity. With ProClient, your staff can access any document in seconds without the hassle of sifting through physical files or disorganized digital folders. This accessibility allows them to focus more on client service and less on administrative tasks, increasing job satisfaction and efficiency.


Does ProClient Depend on Other Cloud Services Like Dropbox or Adobe?
No, ProClient has its own built-in document management system. You can easily collect, store, share, and organize your clients’ files using our dedicated client portal, accessible via web and mobile. This means you don’t need to download and re-upload files for editing. It also cuts out the extra cost and hassle of using another system that isn’t integrated with your other client data, tasks, and billing features.
How Does ProClient Handle Large Volumes of Documents During Peak Tax Season?
ProClient is built to handle high volumes of documents efficiently. Our platform scales to accommodate increased loads during peak periods like tax season, ensuring that the system performs optimally when you need it most. Fast upload speeds and bulk processing capabilities mean you can manage large batches of documents without a slowdown.
Who Should Use ProClient?
ProClient is ideal for small business owners and tax preparation offices with 1-5 users. It’s perfect for those who have not previously had a document management system and are looking for an efficient way to handle their files and office documents.
Can ProClient Assist with Financial Reporting?
Yes, ProClient ensures vital data and application access is secure using straightforward admin tools and protocols. You can also organize and store IT documentation securely and efficiently, making critical information easy to manage and retrieve.
Does ProClient Support Standardized Collaboration Areas for Active Documents?
ProClient provides a secure, collaborative space for active documents, allowing multiple users to work together seamlessly. Changes are tracked and synchronized in real time, ensuring that everyone is working on the most current version of a document.
How Does ProClient Help in Establishing and Coordinating Document Repositories?
ProClient helps tax professionals by creating a centralized space where all client documents can be securely stored and managed. This eliminates the need to use multiple platforms, ensuring that all necessary files are easily accessible in one secure location.
How Much Does ProClient cost?
ProClient offers transparent pricing with a free 14-day trial. After the trial, plans start at $39 per month for unlimited document storage and contacts for one user. Additional users are $9 per month. There is also an annual plan available for $397 that includes three users, with each additional user costing $9 per month.
How does ProClient Handle Document Security?
ProClient takes document security seriously. All documents uploaded to our platform are encrypted, ensuring that sensitive client data remains protected. With our robust security measures, including SSL encryption and two-factor authentication, you can be confident that your data is safe from unauthorized access.
Can I Access Client Documents Remotely with ProClient?
Yes, ProClient allows you to access all your client documents remotely. Whether you’re at home, in the office, or on the go, you can securely view, manage, and share important documents through our cloud-based platform. This flexibility is crucial for tax professionals who need to respond quickly to client needs.

Try ProClient Free for 14 days

If you are sick and tired of using what feels like a million business tools, it’s time to try our comprehensive management system.

Everything you need is right here in our easy-to-use and highly customizable CRM.