Invoice Management System for Accountants

Make invoicing and payment collection painless with ProClient. Draft and send customized electronic invoices and receive payments directly to your bank accounts.

As every tax preparation business knows, invoice management is crucial for keeping operations running smoothly. This process involves creating, sending, and tracking invoices to ensure clients pay for services rendered. Effective invoice management streamlines the billing cycle, reducing the time from service to payment. It also allows for more accurate forecasting and financial planning, as firms have a clearer view of their receivables.
Secure Payment Processing System

Fully Integrated Secure Payment Processing

Clients can make payments anytime, anywhere with our secure and fully integrated payment processing system. The system accepts both credit cards and ACH payments.

Create customized products and sales tax.

Why Good Invoice Management Matters

Good invoice management tightens up your cash flow. When you bill correctly and on time, you get paid faster. This means your business can keep running without financial hiccups. It’s especially important during tax season when things get busy and cash flow needs to be steady.

A good invoice system also keeps your clients happy. They see clear, accurate bills. There’s no confusion about what they owe for your tax services. This clear communication helps avoid delays in payment. Plus, when your team spends less time fixing billing mistakes, they spend more time helping clients with their taxes. Efficient invoice management makes your tax preparation business run smoother from start to finish.

Common Invoice Management Challenges

When accounting/tax preparation firms don’t have the help of reliable, automated software for invoice management, they’ll likely encounter a number of challenges that slow them down or create issues down the road. Here are a few of the top challenges presented by the invoice management process.

Invoice processing delays

Delays in processing invoices can occur due to manual approval workflows, bottlenecks in the approval process, or inefficiencies in routing invoices to the appropriate stakeholders. These delays can result in late payments and gaps in cash flow.

Invoice discrepancies and errors

Invoices may contain discrepancies or errors, like incorrect pricing, quantities, or billing information. Resolving these gaps and errors can be time-consuming, especially when you have to verify data and coordinate between multiple departments or people.

Compliance and regulatory risks

Non-compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies governing invoice management can bring financial penalties, reputational damage, and legal liabilities for organizations.

Limited scalability

Manual and paper-based invoice processes may lack the scalability to accommodate a growing business and attendant transaction volumes. As organizations expand, they may struggle to scale their invoicing system effectively, leading to inefficiencies and operational challenges.

Invoice Management System for Accountants

The Best Invoice Management System for Accountants

ProClient takes the hassle and headaches out of the invoicing and payment collection processes. You can customize and send electronic invoices. Then, the incoming payments will go straight into your bank accounts. Our system is purpose-built to deliver the convenience and reliability that come with modern invoice management.

  • Automate and save time: Your invoices prepare and send themselves. No more typing or double-checking every detail. More time for your real accounting work.
  • Payments track themselves: Instantly see who’s paid and who hasn’t. The system reminds your clients for you. Managing your cash flow becomes simple.
  • Accuracy in every invoice: The system uses your existing accounting setup to make sure every invoice is correct. It automatically adds taxes and discounts and sets up recurring invoices without the errors you could end up with if you were using a manual system.
  • Simplify cost management: Fixed fees get billed on their own. Variable costs are easy to track and sort. Every client project becomes clear and profitable.
  • Make informed decisions: Advanced reports show you your financial standing. Understand your billing patterns, see how much work you’re billing, and keep an eye on unpaid invoices. Use this knowledge to improve your practice’s efficiency and profits.
fully integrated secure payment

Take Advantage of Fully Integrated, Secure Payment Processing

Companies today can’t afford to take any risks when it comes to the safety of their customers’ (and their own) data. That’s why ProClient’s invoice management system for accountants was designed with security in mind, offering convenience, security, and flexibility to both you and your clients.

ProClient allows clients to make payments anytime, anywhere, providing them with the convenience they expect. Whether they’re at home, in the office, or on the go, clients can easily settle their invoices with just a few clicks. Our system accepts credit cards and ACH payments, offering your clients flexibility in how they choose to pay.

Create Customized Products and Sales Tax Settings

ProClient allows you to create customized products and sales tax settings to meet your specific business needs. Whether you offer a variety of services, packages, or products, you can easily set up payment options that reflect the unique offerings of your business. Our system also allows you to configure sales tax settings based on your local and federal tax requirements, ensuring compliance and accuracy in your financial transactions.

With a secure, flexible, and customizable payment processing solution, you’re empowered to streamline your invoicing and payment collection processes. Spend more time focusing on delivering exceptional service to your clients while we handle the complexities of payment processing behind the scenes.

Create customized products

Adapt to Your Firm’s Needs

Recognizing that no two tax preparation firms are the same, ProClient offers extensive customization options. From setting up unique billing rates and schedules to tailoring invoice templates to match your brand, the software adapts to your firm’s specific requirements. This flexibility ensures that you can deliver a personalized service to your clients, reinforcing your brand image.

helps get billing right

Get Billing Right

Accountants using traditional methods often struggle with billing. Manual invoicing takes a lot of time, and errors can happen easily. Tracking who has paid and who hasn’t, especially when you have a lot of clients, is complex. Reminding clients about overdue payments can also damage relationships.

ProClient’s accounting billing software simplifies these tasks. It automates invoice creation, reducing errors and saving time. The software clearly tracks all payments and sends reminders for overdue payments in a professional manner. This allows accountants to focus on their clients’ needs, knowing that their billing process is efficient and error-free.

Save Time and Reduce AR Work

​​Automatic payment reminders streamline bill payments and reduce outstanding accounts receivable. Customers might forget or lose their bills among other documents, leading to unpaid invoices. This scenario forces you to follow up on late payments, consuming valuable time. Direct phone calls for payment may also cause discomfort for clients hesitant to share credit card information verbally.

With an automated invoice system, you can generate digital reminders. This system allows for the scheduling of an initial invoice notice, a reminder a few days before the payment is due, and a final nudge on the due date itself. Should payments remain outstanding, overdue notices and final warnings can be sent automatically. This approach prompts most clients to pay promptly upon receiving the first or subsequent reminders, thereby streamlining the payment process and avoiding last-minute rushes.

reduces AR work

Simplify with an All-in-One Solution

If you’ve been using a hodge podge of different business tools to run your accounting firm, it’s time to simplify—and now you can with ProClient. It rolls all of the major business functions into one easy-to-use suite. This includes your client portal, document management, marketing, billing, and scheduling. It’s all right there in one seamless interface. Why pay for multiple software subscriptions when you can do it all with just one?

monitor finances in a glance

Monitor your Finances at a Glance

Our invoice management system for accountants facilitates a unified view of your business’s financial health. By bringing together data from various sources—bookkeeping, billing, and financial planning tools—into one comprehensive dashboard, the system allows you to easily monitor and analyze your financial operations in real time. This comprehensive insight empowers you to act swiftly, adjust strategies as needed, and steer your firm towards sustained growth and profitability.

Safeguard Client Information

Security risks are a major concern for any accountant handling a client’s sensitive financial information. Unauthorized access, data breaches, and compliance violations can severely damage trust and reputation. Businesses need a reliable way to safeguard client data and avoid these threats.

ProClient addresses these concerns head-on, not only for client billing and payment but for other aspects of our software (including document management). It wraps client data in layers of security using data encryption, firewall protection, and anti-virus technology. SSL with 256-bit encryption ensures all transactions and communications within the system are kept confidential. With ProClient, trust grows between firms and their customers.

safeguard client info

Crush the Learning Curve with Our Intuitive Interface
(for You and Your Clients)

One of the biggest reasons accountants are hesitant to adopt new software—no matter how good it is—is the learning curve. We get that.

Our goal in designing ProClient was to come up with software so intuitive that “even Grandma can use it.” Wherever your employees are on the tech-savvy spectrum, our software is as user-friendly and intuitive as it gets. We know you don’t have time for extensive training. ProClient allows you to do a brief tutorial and hit the ground running.

This same brand of user-friendliness applies to your clients as well. Your clients are coming to you with all different levels of tech experience. That can be a problem if the client-facing features of your software are hard to figure out. You could end up spending way too much time trying to familiarize your clients with how to use the client portal. Your busy accounting office shouldn’t have to do that.

A cryptic software program will also hurt your brand. Clients could come to associate your firm with frustrating processes and obstacles. You want to facilitate happy feelings.

Whether your customers are paying an invoice generated by your company or uploading documents to your document center, the software guides them through without a hitch.

US based support

Get US-Based Support

Having reliable support when you need it is crucial for any business software. ProClient fulfills this criteria by offering US-based support to its users. This means quick and efficient help is just a call or click away. The peace of mind that comes with knowing you have a dedicated support team ready to assist you cannot be overstated.

ProClient’s support team knows both the software and the tax industry well. This knowledge helps them address the unique challenges companies face. Whether it’s clarifying a software function or sharing best practices, ProClient’s support is ready to guide users through.

Access Anytime, Anywhere

ProClient is cloud-based, offering the flexibility to access your invoicing system from anywhere, at any time, as long as you have an internet connection. This is invaluable for tax prep firms with remote teams or employees who travel often. Unlike on-premises software that ties you to a local server and limits access to the physical location of your business, ProClient’s cloud-based nature ensures your invoicing needs are as mobile as your work demands.

ProClient goes a step further by being highly customizable. It acknowledges that no two firms are the same, offering the ability to tailor its features to meet the unique demands of your operation. From adding and removing features to creating bespoke functionalities that align with your specific invoicing needs, ProClient’s invoice management system for accountants provides a level of flexibility that on-premises software often can’t match.

access proclient anytime anywhere

How You Can Benefit From ProClient’s Invoice Management Features

Today’s tax professional has a lot of moving pieces and parts to manage on a daily basis. From invoice processing and verification to expense tracking and compliance, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with an influx of to-do’s. ProClient aims to make life easier for accountants via:

Fast and personalized invoicing

The moment a tax service is complete, tax pros can quickly generate an invoice directly in the system. They add service dates, descriptions, and costs, ensuring each invoice mirrors the exact service provided. This immediate and detailed approach helps clients understand their charges, promoting transparency and trust.

Payment status monitoring

Once invoices are out, the system shifts into monitoring mode, tracking every invoice’s payment status. It flags overdue payments and reminds tax professionals when to follow up. This process keeps the firm’s cash flow in check, ensuring they know exactly when to expect payments.

Accuracy checks

Before any invoice reaches a client, the system runs an automatic check for errors in amounts, services listed, and client details. If it spots discrepancies, tax pros are alerted to review and correct them, preventing misunderstandings and maintaining a professional image.

Secure document organization

After sending an invoice, it’s automatically stored in the firm’s digital archive along with any related client communications. This method makes retrieving specific documents later—for questions, audits, or reviews—quick and hassle-free.

Reconciling payments

As clients pay their invoices, the system updates in real time, matching payments to their corresponding invoices. This feature helps tax professionals immediately see which invoices are settled and which are still pending, simplifying financial management.

Insightful financial reporting

On a regular basis, the system compiles data from invoiced services and payments into comprehensive reports. These reports, generated monthly or quarterly, offer insights into billing trends, client payment behaviors, and overall financial health, aiding in strategic planning.

Gain a Competitive Edge

Gone are the days when scanning, mailing, and physical signatures were efficient. Modern clients prefer digital processes and seamless interactions. ProClient is at the forefront of this shift, offering features like electronic invoicing and payment processing to enhance client satisfaction.

Sticking to outdated invoicing methods is not just inefficient but also a missed opportunity. Use ProClient to modernize your invoicing process and gain a competitive advantage.

Proclient Services offered

What Other Services Does ProClient Offer?

In addition to invoice management, we offer the following key features:

  • Scheduling: Clients book appointments directly. Your calendar updates automatically to prevent double bookings.
  • Client Portal: Clients view and manage schedules and documents in one secure place. Centralized access ensures quick, hassle-free interactions.
  • Document Management: Securely store and protect documents. Clients access and manage their information easily.
  • CRM: Effectively organize client information to enhance relationships and streamline communications. Improved data management speeds up response times and decision-making.

These features are designed to enhance efficiency and simplify client interactions across your business operations.

Can ProClient Work for Non-accounting Businesses?

ProClient was originally developed by tax preparation professionals for tax preparation professionals, but its comprehensive suite of business tools makes it beneficial for nearly any industry. Here’s a look at some sectors where businesses can utilize ProClient to optimize their operations:

  • Legal services: Law firms can use ProClient for scheduling client meetings, securely managing sensitive documents, and handling billing and invoicing—all in one platform.
  • Consulting: Consultants across various fields can streamline client engagement with scheduling, CRM tools for managing client information, and document management for collaboration on projects.
  • Real estate: Real estate agencies can use ProClient to coordinate showings, manage client and property documents securely, and facilitate communication through the client portal.
  • Retail: For retail businesses, ProClient can handle inventory documentation, customer relationship management, and seamless payment processing.

Whether it’s through improved scheduling, centralized document management, secure client portals, or automated invoice management, ProClient supports businesses in handling their operations effectively.

Reclaim Your Quality of Life

Accountants face relentless demands, especially during tax season. The long hours and complex tasks can easily tip the scales against a healthy work-life balance. It’s crucial to work smarter, not harder. Why struggle with inefficient processes when there’s an easier way? ProClient is designed to simplify the complexities of tax preparation and client management, giving you back your time and reducing stress.

With ProClient, you can automate repetitive tasks, organize client data efficiently, and manage your schedule effectively. This allows you to focus on what matters most — providing excellent service and growing your business—while maintaining a better balance in your life. No more drowning in paperwork or missing out on personal time.

Get Started With ProClient

Get Started With ProClient Today

Ready for a simpler, more reliable way to manage your invoices and payments? Take advantage of ProClient’s free 14-day trial. Take a look at everything the platform has to offer and how it can benefit your business without any risks, commitments, or strings attached. You’ll be glad you made the jump.

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If you are sick and tired of using what feels like a million business tools, it’s time to try our comprehensive management system.