Client Management Software for Accountants

As a busy tax professional, you have a lot to balance. At ProClient, we’re big believers in working smarter, not harder. That’s why we developed our all-in-one client management software for accountants.

We’re tax professionals ourselves, so we’re no strangers to the features you need to manage your client load. The trouble is, we couldn’t find a software solution that accomplished it all… so we developed our own. The result is ProClient, which we’re confident will be the only client management software your accounting office will ever need.

Why You Need Client Management Software for Your Tax Business

If the concept of client management software is new to your firm, we’re willing to bet it will completely revolutionize the way you do business. Here are the most compelling reasons to switch to a digital solution.

Saves Time

Without client management software, you and your staff are likely doing a lot of tasks that could be automated. When you’re a busy tax professional, every minute counts. If you want to preserve work-life balance, it’s time to take a good look at what you are doing manually that could be handled by the right software.

A good client relationship management platform can turn many time-consuming tasks into simple, plug-and-play processes that get done accurately and securely without you even knowing it. Why waste your time on something that technology can handle for you? Client management platforms means less burnout for you and your staff.

client management software
Client Management Software for Your Tax Business

Reduces Human Error

Not only can client management software save you time, it may be able to do certain tasks better than you can. Manual processes are prone to human error.

You could calculate billable hours incorrectly for an invoice, forget to follow up on an invoice, schedule two appointments on top of each other…even lose an important document that a client entrusted to you. Software can eliminate human errors, resulting in greater accuracy and fewer dropped balls.

Makes Client Happier

A major goal of your client management software is to keep clients happy. Happy clients award you with repeat business…and business referrals, too. There’s nothing quite like word of mouth to grow your business, and happy customers are the engine behind those word-of-mouth referrals.

In the quest to keep clients happy, some accountants fear that automating processes could make their firm seem less personal. We believe it’s the opposite. Streamlined processes make it much easier to give clients what they need when they need it.

The right software can set up dedicated communication portals so clients don’t have to find creative ways to reach you. All communication stays in a single message stream between you and them so everyone can see exactly what has been addressed and what still needs to be addressed.

Shared documents can be managed effectively and shared between accounting professionals so that customers only have to upload the documents once. Clients can schedule meetings at their convenience rather than waiting for you or your secretary to call them back. The right software can greatly enhance the customer experience.

client management software
CMS security

Elevates Security

If you’re transporting data and documents by hand or through email, you’re opening your firm and your clients up to massive risks–especially because you’re in the business of sensitive financial information.

Because of the nature of your business, it’s critical to offer the highest levels of data security. Client management software can help encrypt and safeguard data to avoid security breaches. It can also ensure that you’re compliant with data security regulations.

Gives You an All-in-one Solution

If you’ve been limping along with a patchwork of different programs to handle client communication, scheduling, invoicing, data storage, and more, it’s time to switch to a single solution that will handle all of your tax accounting business management needs.

Without a single solution, you could be overpaying for different subscriptions. You could also end up with processes and systems that don’t “talk” to each other, which leads to redundancies that waste time and money. Also, important information could fall between the cracks of different systems. Your clients will “feel the chaos” when they have to log in to check different systems for different answers.

CMS reduces human error
Client Management helps scaling

Helps You Scale

If you’re looking to grow your business, now’s the time to take a look at your processes. Would they “break” with the addition of 5 more clients? 10 more clients? The trick is to streamline your processes so that they can accommodate continuing growth. And the secret to streamlining is to rely on effective software that can perform the same processes in multiples without breaking a sweat.

For example, if your secretary is currently maxed out with keeping track of your scheduling and relaying messages from your clients, what will happen when you double your business? But if your accounting software handles the scheduling and becomes the exclusive channel for client communications, your secretary can handle more.

Good client management software is built to grow. Once its processes are created and defined, it can go from running one of those processes per day to running 50 without any growing pains.

Accessible from Anywhere

If you adopt a cloud-based software solution, you won’t be chained to your computer at work. If you need to check on a message from a client, consult your schedule, or view documents, you can do it securely from anywhere you have an internet connection. Working from home? Need to address a client concern from the airport lounge while traveling? No problem. Cloud-based software allows you to be more portable, agile, and productive.

client management software

Why Choose ProClient?

If your interest in customer management software is piqued, you may be wondering which software would be best for your office.

After all, there are many options out there. We stand by our conviction that ProClient is the best software out there for accounting firm management.

Here’s why:

For Tax Pros

For Tax Pros, by Tax Pros

Because we’re tax professionals, we know exactly what you need in a client management platform. There are lots of one-size-fits-all solutions, but because they’re not geared to accountants, you end up paying for features you don’t need and/or not getting the features that you do need.

We’ve been in the trenches, and our software reflects it. It’s customized to fit the unique needs of tax accounting firms.

Invoice Management

Invoicing can be a never ending headache. You’re constantly tracking billable hours and services, creating and sending invoices — then trying to track down timely payment. Even though invoicing is your firm’s bread and butter, there’s a lot of room for human error and for things to slip through the cracks. If you handle this process manually, you’re leaving a lot to chance.

ProClient automates this process. There’s no need to generate invoices — ProClient will create customized invoices for you. Imagine not having to worry about invoicing — especially during the hubbub of tax season. Our payment processing system accepts credit cards and ACH payments and sends money straight into your bank account.

ProClient sends payment reminders and keeps track of who has paid (and when) and who hasn’t. The result is reduced time from service to payment, simple cash flow management, and reliable data for financial forecasting.

Your valuable time should not be spent on invoicing. Let ProCient handle the work for you. You’ll see the payoff in hassle-free, accurate invoicing that gets you paid faster and gives you a clear picture of your receivables on demand.

invoice managerment software
Document Management

Document Management

As a tax professional, you deal in confidential documents. ProClient offers a hub where clients can upload their documents with the assurance that they will be stored securely. All information is secured by a firewall and anti-virus technology. Thanks to our SSL setup with 256-bit encryption, incoming and outgoing documents enjoy the highest levels of security. Data is backed up daily and stored exclusively on U.S. servers.

Document uploading is extremely convenient. Clients and team members can easily upload documents and share them as needed (for reference, signatures, etc.). Documents can be tagged by tax year, category, etc., so they’re easy to locate.

You can control who has access to which documents with permission controls. You can also enlist a “document review” feature, which lets you track at a glance:

  1. which documents have been submitted (and which are still pending)
  2. the accuracy of the documents.


Client Portal

Client communication is key, but wires can get crossed when messages are flying via email, calls, etc. Our client portal consolidates all client interactions into one user-friendly portal. It’s simple for even the least tech-savvy employee or client to send and reply to messages or upload documents.

Because all communications flow through one portal, you can easily track and respond to clients. Messages don’t get lost, and there’s no wondering whether or not you already replied to a client — or if they replied to you.

All communications are protected thanks to our two-factor authentication process, so clients can share data and documents with the utmost confidence.

The result is a greatly enhanced customer experience. They’ll appreciate your quick responses in the dedicated portal, and you’ll love the time your firm will save by not having to chase down messages across different platforms.

client management software
CMS for scheduling


If you’re handling scheduling manually, ProClient will automate the process for you, saving you countless hours. All of the back and forth of finding common availability and making and changing appointments can be eliminated with our scheduling tool. You can show your availability and set limits on your calendar (maximum number of appointments per day, built-in buffers between appointments, etc.)

Clients can see your availability and schedule accordingly. Our scheduling tool sends reminders to cut down on missed appointments. And if anyone needs to change an appointment, they can make the switch on their own, and all parties will be notified.

Why waste your valuable time on scheduling when you can devote it to serving your clients and growing your business? Our built-in scheduling tool handles the details for you and puts time back in your day.


You know that website you haven’t got around to building? ProClient can help with that, too.

Our software comes with a customized landing page that is set to function as your professional business website. It helps you spread the word about your services and grow your business.

Client Management Software for Accountants
Client Management Software for Accountants

US-based Support

We stand by our product and stand ready to help you as you put it to use in your firm.

Help is just a digital message or call away with US-based customer service representatives who provide fast, competent assistance for all of your needs.

Intuitive Interface

A lot of accounting firms hold off on making the switch to client relationship management tools because they fear the learning curve. You’re busy. Your staff is busy. Your clients are busy. Why rock the boat?

But the solution is not to stay with the inefficiencies of the status quo. The solution is to upgrade in the most painless way possible.

ProClient was design to be so intuitive that Grandma could figure it out. That means the implementation process for your staff will be simple and seamless. Your team can breeze through our training guide and get smart on the software in a single sitting. The same goes for your clients. We designed our software with “tech hesitancy” and “digital reluctance” in mind and made it so user-friendly that these hurdles could be easily overcome.

Intuitive Interface software

Analytics at a Glance

You’ll stay more profitable and effective as an accounting firm if you can keep an eye on the business analytics and make adjustments accordingly. ProClient gives you the data you need in a single interface. You can check in on team members’ activities, track financials, control your schedule, see client engagement, and more. Having one central control center is essential for quality control and business growth.

Client Management Software for Accountants
risk free client management software

No-risk Free Trial

No reputable car dealer would expect you to buy a car you can’t test drive, and we don’t expect you to start using ProClient without giving it a spin. That’s why we offer a free, 14-day trial that gives you access to all of our features and 40GB of storage.

Some software platforms only allow you to try out some of the tools for free, but that doesn’t give you an accurate experience with the software. We put it all out there for free so that you can make sure it’s the right fit for your firm.

Your business is all about your clients, and you can manage those critical client relationships better when you have the right client management software on your side. Try our free trial and find out how ProClient can help you take your tax office to the next level.